Community Development


30-Day Comment Period

The Dover City Council has adopted substantial amendments to the FY23 & FY24 CDBG Annual Action Plans. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the substantial amendments on Sept. 25, 2024. The substantial amendments are available for a public review and comment. The final day for this comment period will be Nov. 4, 2024 after which time all comments received will be forwarded along with the substantial amendments to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for their 45-day review. All persons wishing to submit comment on the substantial amendments to the FY23 & FY24 CDBG Annual Action Plans should do so in writing to: Planning and Community Development Department, Attn. Dave Carpenter, 288 Central Ave., Dover, NH 03820 or by email to

Copies of the substantial amendments are available in the Dover Planning Office, Dover Public Library, or by clicking here.

Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report – FY24 

The City of Dover Planning and Community Development Department has completed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) “Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report” (CAPER) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The report lists Dover CDBG expenditures and accomplishments made during the last fiscal year, (July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024).

The CAPER can be reviewed at the Planning and Community Development Department, City Hall, 288 Central Ave. Dover, NH 03820 Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by clicking this link.

Persons wishing to comment on the CAPER can submit their comments to the Planning and Community Development Department, Attn: Dave Carpenter, Community Development Planner, 288 Central Ave., Dover, NH 03820 or at All written comments received by 5:30 p.m., Oct. 8, 2024 will be forwarded to HUD along with the CAPER for their review.

 CDBG Overview

The City of Dover is an entitlement community that receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG funds may be used to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and services for lower-income residents.

Eligible Activities:

  • The proposed activity or project meets one of the following HUD National Objectives:
    1. benefit low and moderate income persons;
    2. activities that aid in the prevention of slums or blight; or
    3. other community development needs to address a federally declared emergency.
  • The proposed activity or project qualifies as an “eligible activity” pursuant to HUD regulations.
  • The project or activity directly addresses one or more of the Goals and Objectives that will be adopted as part of the FY21-FY25 Consolidated Plan. See “Goals” below.
  • Through the application, the applicant and the proposed project or activity, demonstrates capacity to comply with all HUD and CDBG related requirements
  • Public facilities projects, as demonstrated through the application process, have a high likelihood of beginning within the year and being completed within two years.
  • Seventy percent (70%) of the clientele for the proposed project or activity will qualify as “presumed benefit” or very low, low or moderate income.
  • A minimum of 51% of the clientele for the proposed project or activity will qualify as “presumed benefit” or very low, low or moderate income.

Presumed Benefit Clientele: Abused/neglected children, homeless persons, persons with /HIVAIDS, elderly persons , severely disabled adults, migrant farm workers, battered spouses/domestic violence victims, illiterate adults.

Eligible Expenses: The cost of labor, supplies, and/or materials required for the provision of services to agency clientele.

Tracking of Expenses: Grant recipients must be able to specifically identify and document how the CDBG funds were expended on an eligible activity.


Goal #1: Access to Services

Goal Description: To provide increased opportunities to residents of the City who require education, health, recreation, shelter, transportation and related human services.

Goal #2: Renter and Homeowner Assistance

Goal Description: Weatherization and energy efficiency, Housing unit rehab, security deposit assistance, Lead based paint hazard.

Goal #3: Public Improvements

Goal Description: Development and improvements related to facilities and housing units utilized by qualifying populations and individuals.

Goal #4: Economic Development

Goal Description: Improvements, and the support of efforts, intended to promote economic development and to enhance economic opportunities for qualifying business, populations and individuals.

Goal #5: Accessibility and Transportation

Goal Description: Access to social services and employment and removal of architectural barriers.

Important Community Development documents can be viewed below:

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Dave Carpenter, Community Development Planner

Phone: 603.516.6008
Fax: 603.516.6049

Mission Statement - Community Development Office

Create a viable urban environment through the improvement of housing and employment opportunities for low and moderate income people and through improving and/or expanding public facilities and services.

Major Service Responsibilities for the Community Development Office

- Review loan applications to the Housing & Economic Loan Programs.
- Preparation of all closing documents and payment administration of all approved loans.
- Prepare scope of work, solicit bids, prepare bid analysis/results, contracts and change orders and inspection reports of projects.
- Develop annual CDBG grant application to HUD.
- Solicit Community Development Grant proposals.
- Verify compliance with Federal laws (Davis-Bacon Wage Rates) for all CDBG-funded projects.
- Develop the annual Grantee Performance Report.
- Create Annual Consolidated Plan Performance Report for HUD.
- Monitor 30 to 50 outstanding loans, projects, and subrecipients.  

Dover Economic Loan Program
click here to download brochure

Entrepreneurial spirit in a community reflects the economic health of business and can provide job opportunities to residents. Good business ideas, however, need support from many sources in order to prosper. The Dover Economic Loan Program can provide partial financial assistance needed to ensure the viability of promising business ventures. If you are planning to expand a business, or even to start a new one, this program can help turn your plans into a reality.

Program Goals

• Increased employment opportunities for low and moderate income residents
• Expansion of Dover's business community.
• Improved appearance of commercial/industrial properties

Eligible Applicants

• Sole proprietorships.
• Partnerships
• Corporations
• Expansion of existing businesses
• Start-ups
• Relocations

Allowable Projects

• Acquisitions of land and buildings
• Construction and rehabilitation
• Modernization of processes
• Acquisition of equipment and machinery
• Leasehold improvements
• Job training
• Working capital

Loan Criteria

• Interest: Fixed at time of commitment usually not to exceed 75% of prime
• Loan Amount: Up to$50,000, not to exceed 25% of project costs. Exceptions for substantial benefit
• Term: Flexible, up to 25 years. Tailored to economic life of financed assets
• Collateral: Secured position usually secondary to first lien holder. Local lending considerations will determine form and substance of security requirements.
• Benefit: At least 51% of jobs created or retained must be filled by low or moderate income residents
• Financing Availability: Other financing must not be available for total project