posted on 5/29/2024

Weather and other conditions permitting, Brox Industries, Inc., the city's paving contractor, is scheduled to begin paving operations on Friday, May 31 on Barry Street, Tanglewood Drive, and Berkshire Lane. 

The work includes removing curbing, lowering street structures, trimming driveways, reclamation and grading, followed by paving. Reclamation is the process of grinding the existing pavement in place and mixing it with the existing base gravel material to improve the strength of the base. The reclaimed material can be shaped to re-establish the roadway cross-section and improve drainage.

The work is anticipated to last for three to five weeks. Parking will be prohibited on the above-listed streets Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Violators may be ticketed and towed.

City paving operations begins May 31

posted on 5/29/2024

Weather and other conditions permitting, Brox Industries, Inc., the city's paving contractor, is scheduled to begin paving operations on Friday, May 31 on Barry Street, Tanglewood Drive, and Berkshire Lane. 

The work includes removing curbing, lowering street structures, trimming driveways, reclamation and grading, followed by paving. Reclamation is the process of grinding the existing pavement in place and mixing it with the existing base gravel material to improve the strength of the base. The reclaimed material can be shaped to re-establish the roadway cross-section and improve drainage.

The work is anticipated to last for three to five weeks. Parking will be prohibited on the above-listed streets Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. until paving operations are completed. Violators may be ticketed and towed.

For more information, contact the City of Dover's Community Services at 603-516-6450, or visit the city's paving webpage,