posted on 3/22/2024

The City Council holds its second regular meeting of the month on Wednesday, March 27 at 7 p.m. Some of the items on the Council’s agenda for consideration include:

Awarding the construction bid for the Fifth and Grove Reconstruction Project to N. Granese and Sons of Salem, Massachusetts, for $5,147,405. The project includes installing new storm drains, catch basins, maintenance holes, water mains, hydrants, street lighting, electrical conduit and duct banks, and reconstruction of streets and sidewalks. If approved, the project is slated to begin later this year. A related agenda item would authorize an additional scope of work with the project design consultant Woodward and Curran of Andover, Massachusetts for $436,000 for construction administration and a resident project engineer to oversee the reconstruction work.  

Purchasing of the solar array atop the Dover Indoor Pool and New Hampshire Children’s Museum for $140,224 from Revision Energy, which installed the rooftop array in 2018. Per the power purchase agreement, the city has the opportunity to purchase the array outright. The purchase would come from the non-debt financed capital reserve funds, as authorized by the FY2025-2030 Capital Improvements Plan.

Council to award bid for Fifth and Grove project, purchase solar array

posted on 3/22/2024

The City Council holds its second regular meeting of the month on Wednesday, March 27 at 7 p.m. Some of the items on the Council’s agenda for consideration include:

Awarding the construction bid for the Fifth and Grove Reconstruction Project to N. Granese and Sons of Salem, Massachusetts, for $5,147,405. The project includes installing new storm drains, catch basins, maintenance holes, water mains, hydrants, street lighting, electrical conduit and duct banks, and reconstruction of streets and sidewalks. If approved, the project is slated to begin later this year. A related agenda item would authorize an additional scope of work with the project design consultant Woodward and Curran of Andover, Massachusetts for $436,000 for construction administration and a resident project engineer to oversee the reconstruction work.  

Purchasing of the solar array atop the Dover Indoor Pool and New Hampshire Children’s Museum for $140,224 from Revision Energy, which installed the rooftop array in 2018. Per the power purchase agreement, the city has the opportunity to purchase the array outright. The purchase would come from the non-debt financed capital reserve funds, as authorized by the FY2025-2030 Capital Improvements Plan.

The Council will hold a public hearing on setting tax exemptions for the elderly, blind, and disabled for fiscal year 2025. The resolution increases the exemption qualifying criteria for the elderly, disabled, and deaf. It increases the amount of assessed value exempt from property taxes for eligible elderly, blind, disabled and deaf persons. The amounts of each exemption level and qualifying criteria were last increased for FY2023. All applications for exemptions must be made to the tax assessment office by April 15, 2024, to be effective for fall 2024 property taxes. Click here for more information on property tax exemptions. 

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. Click here for the complete agenda. The Council will also hold a budget workshop beginning at 5:30 p.m. See below for more information. Both sessions will be televised on Channel 22 and online at, where it will also be available for on-demand viewing