posted on: 5/18/2015

The Open Lands Committee, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve recently hosted a presentation on state buffer regulations at the Dover Public Library's lecture hall. The presentation, "Building Resilience through Better Buffers for Residents Living on the Rivers," was attended by nearly 40 people.

During the session, Jay Aube, Shoreland Program Outreach Coordinator for the NHDES Wetlands Bureau, and Steve Miller, Coastal Training Program Coordinator with the GBNERR, gave an overview of the regulations, how they help keep rivers healthy, and options for shoreline landowners working with the regulations.

Open Lands Committee explores shoreland protection

posted on: 5/18/2015

The Open Lands Committee, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve recently hosted a presentation on state buffer regulations at the Dover Public Library's lecture hall. The presentation, "Building Resilience through Better Buffers for Residents Living on the Rivers," was attended by nearly 40 people.

During the session, Jay Aube, Shoreland Program Outreach Coordinator for the NHDES Wetlands Bureau, and Steve Miller, Coastal Training Program Coordinator with the GBNERR, gave an overview of the regulations, how they help keep rivers healthy, and options for shoreline landowners working with the regulations.

The presentation included information about shoreline buffer zones and resources to help manage property and protect water quality.

"The protected shoreline is 250 feet measured from the seasonal high water mark," Aube explained to residents.

Miller added, "Stormwater is just rain water that collects pollutants like fertilizer, trash, and debris and is a pervasive problem throughout New Hampshire, throughout the world, everyone contributes to it".

Miller concluded by saying, "Simple changes we make can make a huge difference."

For more information about the Open Lands Committee, call the Planning Department at 603-516-6008 or e-mail Steve Bird at